Capital Fixed Asset Monthly Reports

WOLFS Capital Fixed Assets information is available in infoAdvantage. It contains all Capital Fixed Assets and can be used to determine additions, deletions, and/or current assets by using the Acquisition and Disposition Dates. To view your agency’s assets please see the link to the instruction guide below.
Asset Types:
E = Equipment
I = Infrastructure
N = Intangibles
D = Land Improvement
V = Vehicles
B = Buildings
This file is cumulative and should be reconciled with a physical inventory at least annually.
If you have questions related to the use of these files, please contact the SAO Accounting Division at (307) 777-2460 or by email at

Non-Fixed Assets Monthly Reports
WOLFS Non-Fixed Asset Inventory information is available in infoAdvantage. It contains all current month’s activity for Non-Fixed Asset Inventory purchases ($500-$4,999) and therefore can be used to determine additions to inventory. To view your agency’s current monthly non-fixed asset activity please see the link to the instruction guide below.

If you have questions related to the use of these files, please contact the SAO Accounting Division at (307) 777-2460 or by email at

INSTRUCTION GUIDES: Listing of Fixed Assets and Non Fixed Asset Inventory Report