Year End Questionnaire

Year End Questionnaire

    • To improve the ACFR preparation process for the State of Wyoming, the SAO has developed a questionnaire to learn more about some of the topics that can impact financial reporting. The questionnaire is designed to capture information around events, transactions and changes at each organization to ensure the necessary information has been collected in order to produce the ACFR in accordance with the appropriate accounting standards.
    • Please keep in mind as you read the questions that your answers are regarding YOUR agency and for the period of 7/1 through 6/30.
    • If you have any questions regarding any portion of this questionnaire, please let SAO Accounting Division know and either we or the external auditors will attempt to address your concerns.
    • Should you have no further questions, please complete the questionnaire. When you click submit, your answers are returned electronically to the SAO Accounting Division.
    • This questionnaire needs to be completed and returned to the SAO Accounting Division by September 30
  • This email address is used to send confirmation notice that we received the form.
    • Has your organization entered into any agreements with other organizations (including other States), under which your organization may expend funds to purchase a contract or capital asset (including Software) that either your organization or the State of Wyoming may not ultimately own?
    • To organizations included in the State reporting entity, related party transactions would be those that have taken place between a reporting organization and its elected or appointed officials, management, or members of their immediate families. Transactions within the State reporting entity (e.g., between State agencies) are not required to be called out as related party transactions and do not need to be included in responses to this question. It is important to consider transactions that may not have been recorded as an accounting transaction, such as services received without charge. In particular, (regardless of whether accounting transactions have been recorded or not) consider any transactions such as: a. Borrowing or lending on an interest-free basis or at a rate of interest significantly above or below market rates prevailing at the time of the transaction b. Selling real estate at a price that differs significantly from its appraised value. c. Exchanging property for similar property in a non-monetary transaction. d. Making loans with no scheduled terms for when or how the loans will be repaid.
    • Has your organization, as lessor, leased facilities or land to parties outside the state reporting entity under leases accounted for as operating leases?
  • The following section applies to items that are NOT RECORDED IN WOLFS AS OF JUNE 30.

  • Contingent Liabilities

    • Are you aware of any event meeting the definition and recognition criteria of a contingent liability for your organization? Possible contingent liabilities include, but are not limited to the following:
    • (Note: For any "Yes" responses, please provide an estimate of the contingent liability.) Mark only one oval per row.