Group Insurance Lag Reports and Various Other Reports

Agency: Employees’ and Officials’ Group Insurance

The State Auditor’s Office is preparing for the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  A part of this report includes information provided by your office.

 Please provide the following items:

    • Delta Dental Enrollment & Experience Report
    • Delta Dental State Lag Report & Claims
    • EGWP SSI State of Wyoming_Lag Report_Triangle
    • Healthcare Lag Report
    • Monthly Experience Summary – Current Calendar Year
    • Monthly Experience Summary – Prior Calendar Year
    • State of Wyoming Commercial – Lag Report
  • The above reports should provide data through September of the current calendar year. 
    • Wyoming EGI Actuarial Audit Report – Most current

 We are requesting this information be provided no later than October 15.

Thank you for your assistance in the production of the State’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  If there are any questions, please contact the SAO Accounting Division at (307) 777-2460 or by email at