Judges’ Liability

Agency: Supreme Court

The State Auditor’s Office is preparing for the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  The requested information is needed on those judges who will retire or have retired under W.S. 5-1-106. Please provide the following information as of 6/30:

  1. A listing of:
    1. All judges and justices eligible for retirement until W.S. 5-1-106
    2. Their date of birth
    3. Their annual salary and monthly salary
    4. How their monthly salary was calculated
    5. Active and inactive surviving beneficiaries
    6. The beneficiaries’ dates of birth
  2. If there were any deaths (judge/justice/active or inactive beneficiary) in the fiscal year, provide the following:
    1. Name of the deceased
    2. Date of death
  3. Provide any changes that occurred in the fiscal year that could change the way the liability is reported in the ACFR (salary increases, statute changes, pop-up provisions, etc.).
    1. If a statutory change occurred in the annual salary for judges and/or justices, please list the chapter and the effective date.

Please have this information to us by July 31

Thank you for your assistance in the compilation of the State’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  If there are any questions, please contact the SAO Accounting Division at (307) 777-2460 or by email at saoaccounting@wyo.gov.