Coal Lease Bonus

Coal Bonus through September & Actual Distribution Amounts based on CREG Estimate

Agency: State Treasurer’s Office

The State Auditor’s Office is preparing for the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  Please provide the following information by the due dates listed for the current fiscal year:

15.17 b and 15.20e FY22 FMR Summ Sheet and FMR Actual Deposits (FMR-CLB) 10/1
15.20d CLB 2008 thru FYXX (FMR-CLB) 10/1
Amounts Sequestrated from ONRR Payments to Wyoming 11/5
15.20a and 15.20 b FY20XX SEQ Payback WY 11/5

Please have the above listed reports (spreadsheet that shows actual receipts for the fiscal year federal mineral royalty deposits (Includes Coal Bonus) and the Fund 428 distribution amounts based on CREG estimates and based on actual collections) to the SAO Accounting Division no later than the dates listed above.

Thank you for your assistance in the compilation of the State’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  Please contact the SAO Accounting Division at (307) 777-2460 or by email at with any questions.