
FIN 302 Fixed Assets – In Person

Fixed Assets This training session will focus on understanding and recording fixed assets. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to understand the life cycle of a fixed asset. After the training attendees will be able to successfully complete a fixed asset acquisition (FA) and fixed asset disposal (FD) document within the Wyoming […]


FIN 101 – Creating Vendors – Virtual

FIN 101 - Creating Vendors This course will teach users the basic principles of vendor management, including searching vendors in the application and creating new vendors with a Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) transaction. An overview of all required supporting documentation and best practices will be discussed. Register for this class here.  Training Classes


ACT 100 – Object and Sub-Object Expenditure Coding – In-Person

ACT 100 - Object and Sub-Object Expenditure Coding Ever wonder which object/sub-object combination you should use for a particular payment? This class will provide an overview of the State of Wyoming's expenditure coding, also known as the object/sub-object list. The class will provide specific information on updates made to the 0200 and 0900 series (after […]


ACT 102- Pre-Audit Training- In Person

ACT 102- Pre-Audit Training- In Person This training session will provide an overview of all things pre-audit including: what is pre-audit, why pre-audit is performed, why is pre-audit important, how is pre-audit selected, what documentation is required for pre-audit pulls, and more. We will then go over the most common pre-audit findings and what should […]


FIN 106-Modifying Existing Vendors

FIN 106-Modifying Existing Vendors   This course will discuss the processes of searching and verifying current existing vendors on the Vendor Customer Table. Users will learn how to update a vendor's legal name, address, and reactivate discontinued vendors using the Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transaction. An overview of all required supporting documentation and best practices […]


PAY 200 – Payroll Onboard Virtual

PAY 200 - Payroll Onboarding This course is for payroll specialists who will be using the State of Wyoming's payroll system on a daily or regular basis. After completing this class, users will understand the basics of onboarding employees in the ADV4 payroll system. Attendees will acquire the skills necessary to process the hiring, rehiring, […]


GASB 96, Office Hours 9am-11am

GASB 96, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs).  This is an opportunity to bring your questions on GASB 96 reporting to SAO Accounting staff.  We will be available to answer any and all GASB 96-related questions during this scheduled time.


PAY 300 – Payroll Offboard Virtual

PAY 300 - Payroll Offboarding This course is for payroll specialists who will be using the State of Wyoming's payroll system on a daily or regular basis. After completing this class, users will understand the basics of offboarding employees in the ADV4 payroll system. Attendees will acquire the skills necessary to process the termination of […]


FIN 202 – IETs – In Person

FIN 202 - Internal Exchange Transactions (IETs) This training session will focus on internal exchange transactions (lETs). Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to successfully choose the correct event types for their lET transactions. After the training, attendees will be able to specifically differentiate between IP2s, IP3s, and IP5s. The first hour […]


FIN 103 – Travel Reimbursements – In Person

FIN 103 - Travel Reimbursements This training session will focus on travel reimbursements, including a review of the required forms necessary to request reimbursement. Upon completion of this training, participants will understand State of Wyoming travel reimbursement requirements. After the training, attendees will be able to successfully complete their travel reimbursement forms or assist others […]