FIN 203 – Refunds | Revenue – Virtual

Refunds and Revenue This class will examine the difference between processing a refund and a revenue via a CR document. Users will learn how to process each transaction in the Wyoming Online Financial System (WOLFS) for each event, and how to correct any mistakes made on previous CR documents through a RM or a GEM […]


FIN 203 – Refunds | Revenue – Virtual

Refunds and Revenue This class will examine the difference between processing a refund and a revenue via a CR document. Users will learn how to process each transaction in the Wyoming Online Financial System (WOLFS) for each event, and how to correct any mistakes made on previous CR documents through a RM or a GEM […]

PAY 301 – Final Payouts – Virtual

This course is for payroll specialists who will be using the State of Wyoming's payroll system on a daily or regular basis. After completing this course, users will understand the basics of calculating a final payout for an employee. This course will go over examples for salaried and hourly employees. Register for this class here.


PAY 301 – Final Payouts – Virtual

This course is for payroll specialists who will be using the State of Wyoming's payroll system on a daily or regular basis. After completing this course, users will understand the basics of calculating a final payout for an employee. This course will go over examples for salaried and hourly employees. Register for this class here.

PAY 201 – Payroll Business Intelligence – Virtual

PAY 201 - Payroll Business Intelligence This course will aid payroll specialists in navigation of the new InfoAdvantage, Business Intelligence (BI). Attendees will learn about available statewide payroll reports and how to run and schedule these reports. The training will provide information about how to utilize common payroll reports to support ongoing agency payroll processes. […]


PAY 201 – Payroll Business Intelligence – Virtual

PAY 201 - Payroll Business Intelligence This course will aid payroll specialists in navigation of the new InfoAdvantage, Business Intelligence (BI). Attendees will learn about available statewide payroll reports and how to run and schedule these reports. The training will provide information about how to utilize common payroll reports to support ongoing agency payroll processes. […]


FIN 201 – Procure Transactions – Virtual

FIN 201 - Procurement Transactions This class is designed to help a state fiscal employee through the process of creating an RQS or RQN, and turning that into an encumbrance via the SHOP page in Advantage 4. This class assumes you already know the requirements of the state for successfully getting approval from the AG's […]


GASB 96, Office Hours 9am-11am

GASB 96, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs).  This is an opportunity to bring your questions on GASB 96 reporting to SAO Accounting staff.  We will be available to answer any and all GASB 96-related questions during this scheduled time.


PAY 200 – Payroll Onboard Virtual

PAY 200 - Payroll Onboarding This course is for payroll specialists who will be using the State of Wyoming's payroll system on a daily or regular basis. After completing this class, users will understand the basics of onboarding employees in the ADV4 payroll system. Attendees will acquire the skills necessary to process the hiring, rehiring, […]


GASB 96, Office Hours 1pm-3pm

GASB 96, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs).  In Person & Virtual. This is an opportunity to bring your questions on GASB 96 reporting to SAO Accounting staff.  We will be available to answer any and all GASB 96-related questions during this scheduled time.