GASB 96 – Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs)

GASB 96 Reporting

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requires certain Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA) to be recorded as a subscription asset in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.  Additionally, a subscription liability must be recorded for any future remaining payments.  The State of Wyoming implemented this standard in the FY2023 ACFR.

Every agency must report on GASB 96 to the SAO.  For FY2024, the GASB 96 reporting information is due to the SAO Accounting Division by July 31st.  For FY2025 and later, agencies will have quarterly reporting requirements, with the year-end due date of July 15th


For FY2024, the following items are required to be submitted to the SAO Accounting Division by July 31st.

The following tools and resources are available to help agencies accurately and completely report SBITA information.  

State of Wyoming Resources
GASB Literature and Resources

Thank you for your assistance in the compilation of the State’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. Please contact the SAO Accounting Division at (307) 777-2460 or with any questions.